In the meantime, our little discussed guest room has been getting some love. Here is a picture from the first day we lived in the bungalow. It's quite drab:

Since then we added some 80-90 year old mahogany furniture. My parents gave it to us and it was given to them from a friend who wanted to get rid of it. Can you imagine not having a use for such fabulous pieces? There is also a vanity with a bench and mirror (you can see the corner of it in the second pic). Just lovely.
We added some pink paint (Paris Pink, to be exact) to the walls and some frilly curtain rods and white sheers. Future plans for the room include a white faux pressed tin ceiling and some major crown moulding. For now we must live with ugly brown trim and even uglier off white ceiling tiles with gold glitter. Yikes! We also hope to add a prettier light fixture. I personally think a small chandelier would be great.
All of the above updates will have to wait a while, however, I am adding some artwork to the walls soon. There will be two vintage covers from Vogue as well as some vintage advertisements-as-art. I'm also thinking about a metal dress form and a metal eiffel tower I saw at Target.
